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Collage Paws
Cat Paw Print

I am currentlly developing the Collage Paws site so some files are blank right now. Check back occasionally to see new art additions or updated For Sale pages.

I chose the name Collage Paws for two reasons: First, I am interested in all types of arts and crafts, love learning new techniques, and have tried a lot of different things but have mastered none!  Secondly, I have always loved cats. They fascinate me. I love to observe them, read about them and share cat stories, photos and advice about cat care.

Currently I have four felines who allow me to live in their house and serve them. Naturally, whenever I begin an art project, at least one cat must lie in the middle of my project and another requires the whole seat of my chair; so, when I give up and stand up to work on a tiny shelf space, the other two cats circle around my ankles tripping me up -- especially when I have sharp ojectives in my hands. All this to say that any mistakes in my artwork are the fault of the cats!

My Art
Art from Friends
Art from Swaps
My Cats
For Sale

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Website content copyright 2004 by The Furry Creatures